Striped backgrounds

The problem

Usually, we would create a separate bitmap image and need an image editor every time we needed to make changes. Some might use SVG instead, but it’s still a separate file and the syntax is far from friendly. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could create stripes directly in our CSS? You might be surprised to find that we actually can.

The solution

Linear gradients...

A linear gradient: 20%-80%
A linear gradient: 50%-50%
A linear gradient size: no-repeat
A linear gradient size: repeat
A linear gradient: three colors
Vertical stripes

The code for vertical stripes is almost the same, with one main differ- ence: an extra first argument that specifies the gradient direction.

Linear grandient to Right
Vertical stripes
Diagonal stripes

We might attempt to create diagonal stripes (45°) by just changing the background-size and direction of the gradient again.

Diagonal stripe
Diagonal stripes
Diagonal stripes repeat
Better diagonal stripes

A little- known fact is that linear-gradient() and radial-gradient() also have repeating versions: repeating-linear-gradient() and repeating-radial-gradient(). These work exactly the same way, with one difference: the color stops are repeated indefinitely, until they fill up the whole image.

60º stripes
Flexible subtle stripes

Instead of specifying separate colors for every stripe, we can specify our darkest color as the background color, which will show through stripes with semi-transparent white.

Stripes with lightness variation